- Success Stories
- Safety, Health, & Environmental Compliance
Training the Next Generation of Researchers

CSS staff support the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Division of Occupational Safety and Health by providing Safe Techniques Advance Research Science (STARS) training to summer interns. Following a pause during the pandemic, staff resumed training May 15, 2024. During the in-person STARS training, CSS staff cover key concepts from the pre-requisite NIH Lab Safety online training by working through two case studies: one biological hazard (salmonella typhi handling procedures), and one chemical hazard (acrylamide for gels). CSS trainers provide a show and tell while demonstrating the safety equipment in the mock lab.
We anticipate training hundreds of interns this summer.
We are proud to be training the next generation of researchers!

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Large-Scale Decontamination Proves Successful
In the spring of 2022, we worked with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Coast Guard on a project called Analysis for Coastal Operational Resiliency-Wide Area Demonstration (WAD) which tests large scale decontamination following the release of surrogate bioagents. The team conducted a WAD at a military base in Virginia to test decontamination…

New Heavily Desired High Resolution Land Cover Data for the U.S.
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Over 2000 River and Stream Samples Analyzed
Every five years teams supporting U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s National Aquatic Resource Survey—consisting of tribal, state, and federal partners—collect samples from over 2000 river and stream reaches throughout the United States. CSS analytical chemists support this effort by processing the samples and then analyzing them for various chemicals to help characterize their water quality. The…