Several of our employee owners attended the Coastal Geotools conference in Charleston, SC. This conference is the largest conference for coastal resource managers focusing on data, tools, technology, and other geospatial solutions coastal managers need to serve their communities. With many of our staff and potential employee prospects in attendance, we provided a bronze sponsorship and staffed a booth to discuss our company and project examples with the coastal management and geospatial community. Several staff presented their projects including offshore wind site suitability modeling, and ocean economy and offshore planning data development. In addition, staff provided tool demonstrations during the Tool Showcase. 

This conference enables our staff to learn new skills and approaches from their peers, and expand their networks within the geospatial community.

Two people stand on either side of a table that reads CSS.
We hosted a CSS booth at Coastal Geotools.
A woman stands behind a lectern with a map of the Gulf of Mexico on the screen behind her.
Staff presented on various ocean and coastal projects.

See More CSS Insights

Praise for Spatial Modeling Work

Congratulations to our staff who helped support the Gulf of Mexico wind spatial modeling work!  Through our contract with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, this team is helping to lay the groundwork for the new Wind Energy Spatial Modeling Program as offshore wind continues to gain momentum.…

stream running through a wooded area

Developing a Stream Assessment Protocol 

CSS has been a significant contributor to the development and implementation of the Oregon Stream Function Assessment Method (SFAM) for more than 10 years. SFAM is a key component of the Oregon Stream Mitigation Program administered by the Oregon Department of State Lands.  The mitigation program is designed to address damage to aquatic resources caused…

split pane with 1-meter land cover data on left showing details of roads, buildings, creeks, and wetlands. 30-meter land cover data on right showing blocky colors that don't provide details.

New Heavily Desired High Resolution Land Cover Data for the U.S. 

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recently announced the launch of the long desired high-resolution coastal land cover data. This highly anticipated data are available for most coastal areas of the U.S., including Alaska and the U.S. territories.    CSS employee owners contributed to the release of this data set by participating in production activities and…