Our field crews installed/updated two environmental monitoring stations in remote locations in the Pacific Northwest. Multiple types of sensors were installed including air and soil temperature, precipitation, soil moisture and soil redox potential. These stations provide data for designing and evaluating soil remediation projects for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Research and Development.

Installing a monitoring station.

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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency logo with text: PALs Tabletop Discussion

Webinar Support for Emergency Chemical Release Response

Our staff assisted the EPA team in developing the webinar event, acted as moderator, and provided technical support.

Examining Cetaceans for Contamination and Pathogens

CSS has employee owners who are experts in monitoring cetacean health. Several CSS scientists supporting NOAA’s Centers for Coastal Ocean Science have recently conducted research and tests on marine mammals to explore uncommon behaviors and causes for strandings. View some examples of this research below. Microplastics are becoming increasingly abundant in coastal and marine environments.…

Presenting and Networking at Coastal Geotools 2023

The Coastal Geotools conference in Charleston, SC. enables our staff to learn new skills and approaches from their peers, and expand their networks within the geospatial community.